Terms of Advertisement in AWP Properties

By booking an advertisement with AWP for any of its properties, you agree to the following terms and conditions:

Payment Terms

  1. AWP runs only prepaid ads and reserves the right to cancel an advertising booking if payment is not received in full thirty days prior to the run date for all advertising properties. Note that payment for conference program advertising may be due more than thirty days prior to the run date.
  2. In the case of advertisers associated with an academic program, AWP may accept a submitted purchase order in lieu of full payment to make allowances for processing time through accounts payable departments; however, full payment of the purchase order must be completed within thirty days of the ad run date.
  3. If, due to circumstances beyond its control, AWP is not able to circulate the particular property in which an advertisement was to be contained, its only liability shall be to publish the advertisement in its next available property, or, at its option, to refund any sums paid for the advertisement.
  4. Multiple-placement discounts are available only for ads booked as part of the same order and do not apply to multiple ads booked separately throughout the same year.
  5. Rendering an invoice to an Advertising Agency does not relieve the Advertiser of payment for the advertisement.

Ad Content Terms

  1. Advertiser is responsible for providing the highest-quality image for booked display ads (300 dpi), and AWP reserves the right to request an alternate image or refuse to run a display ad that is of poor graphic quality.
  2. Advertiser is responsible for copyediting their own display ads and for ensuring that the hyperlink attached to the ad is functioning properly.
  3. Advertiser is responsible for providing “call to action” alt text along with display ad graphics so that the ad may be accessible to those using assistive technology.
  4. The Advertiser and/or the Advertising Agency assume all liability for content of all advertisements posted and assume all liability for any claims made against AWP as the result of an advertisement.
  5. AWP reserves the right to refuse any advertisement it feels is inappropriate or which does not conform to the standards of the property. AWP reserves the right to print the word “Advertisement” on any advertisement that might be misconstrued as editorial content.